
{Bolade || Adroit}

Full Stack Developer - I like learning new tricks!
I'm Ogundiji Bolade Adio a young Full-Stack Developer, currently living in Lagos, Nigeria. I take each day as an adventure to explore, I create applications for web, and I always dare to dream and think outside the box. I make healthy contributions to open source.

Yes, I am me that dare to swim in every Oceans, Seas, and Rivers of the world. Am just an ordinary boy, with adroitness doing the extra-ordinary, simply because I believe in possibilities.




JavaScript (Beginner)

Responsive Designs

PHP (Beginner)

Frameworks & Libraries

Tailwind CSS (Beginner)


React Js (Beginner)

Vue Js (Beginner)

I design and build web applications. I am a product of Andela's Learning Community (ALC 2.0), and a Udacity|Google Developer Challenge Scholarship 2017/2018 recipient.


*Frontend Design

AdroitCode is an online text editor currently develop and own by me. I worked on the frontend design, I developed the website with tailwind CSS and VanillaJS. The website is still a work in progress and some functional API would be implemented into it - Google Drive, Git, Firebase, amongs others. The Website is tailored to fit into all screen sizes, with different experience for different mobile sizes to be considered.



*Frontend Design

MyPortfolio, It was designed for the Andela Learning Community Final Project display. It was designed with tailwind, and images served from cloudinary. I am still working on making the design look better, and more user friendly.

Adroit Portfolio

My Code Pens Designs

*Frontend Design *Pure CSS Images

This are some of my designs while taking the Daily Css Image Challenge. I designed the images using HTML and CSS only. In my drawings, I designed the Lagos Nigeria's popular commercial bus locally called 'Danfo', illustration of the president President Muhammadu Buhari, a LPI HUB's Logo (Linux logo) e.t.c. You can check my CSS drawings on Codepen

Adroit Portfolio

I'm friendly, You can contact me.

Feel free to ask me anything. boladeadio@yahoo.com Kamponistullar@gmail.com

I post interesting stories on social media, Yand also love meeting people.

Follow me: TwitterFacebookGithub


©Adroit 2018