Yes, I am me that dare to swim in every Oceans, Seas, and Rivers of the world. Am just an ordinary boy, with adroitness doing the extra-ordinary, simply because I believe in possibilities.
JavaScript (Beginner)
Responsive Designs
PHP (Beginner)
Tailwind CSS (Beginner)
React Js (Beginner)
Vue Js (Beginner)
AdroitCode is an online text editor currently develop and own by me. I worked on the frontend design, I developed the website with tailwind CSS and VanillaJS. The website is still a work in progress and some functional API would be implemented into it - Google Drive, Git, Firebase, amongs others. The Website is tailored to fit into all screen sizes, with different experience for different mobile sizes to be considered.
MyPortfolio, It was designed for the Andela Learning Community Final Project display. It was designed with tailwind, and images served from cloudinary. I am still working on making the design look better, and more user friendly.
This are some of my designs while taking the Daily Css Image Challenge. I designed the images using HTML and CSS only. In my drawings, I designed the Lagos Nigeria's popular commercial bus locally called 'Danfo', illustration of the president President Muhammadu Buhari, a LPI HUB's Logo (Linux logo) e.t.c. You can check my CSS drawings on Codepen